Please review our pool policies below to help us in continuing to remain safe and healthy!
In an effort to properly pay instructors for their time, you may reschedule or cancel your lesson at any time PRIOR TO 24-HOURS of the lesson start time. Lessons cancelled outside 24 hours will be refunded. Lessons cannot be cancelled within 24 hours. Only under the circumstance of Youth Aquatics canceling lessons, will there be an option of a refund. It is the client’s responsibility to cancel or reschedule their lesson in the properly allotted time by using the client portal . Please refer to our Squid Standard and be sure to email [email protected] or text us at 617-860-2203 with any intended missed lessons or any questions/concerns. Youth Aquatics reserves the right to cancel lessons at any time. In the event of a cancelled lesson on behalf of Youth Aquatics, the lesson will be eligible for a refund.